
Thursday, August 12, 2021

Modern Two-Story Block Buildings On Main Street, Vass, N.C., Aug. 12, 1921

Substantial Development In Sight

That Vass is not lagging behind the procession any is shown by the developments of the last two weeks. In that time three or four buildings fronting on the main streets have been moved back to other locations to make room for more modern structures that will soon grace the town. Among the old buildings moved back was the lumber office of which a. Cameron carried on business a score of years ago when Vass was not much but the saw mill and the brick yard.

Adjoining the bank building, R.P. Beasley of Apex has bought two lots 30 by 100 feet each, on which he expects to build a business block in the immediate future. This block is to be 60 by 84 fee, in two sections, and two stories high. The first section will be built first, and it is to be ready for occupation by the first of the year. It will be put up so the other section can be attached and make a complete building of the two. The first section will be used as a drug store, with offices in the second story. For some time talk has been heard about a drug store in Vass, and it is now an assured prospect. After the first part of the block is completed and established the second part will be erected for use as a general store. Mr. Beasly has been watching Vass for a considerable time, and concluded that it was about the right minute to get into the live Moore County game, and he secured his location. Work will begin before very long as January is not so far away as it might be.

Adjoining the lots bought by Mr. Beasly other property is under negotiation, and if the trade is made another building will follow thee, as Mr. Cameron says he does not care to sell these locations to any who does not intend to improve them, for his desire is to see Vass grow rather than to be held up by owners of undeveloped building sites.

Another improvement contemplated is the building of a block that will be in effect in addition the Mercantile Company’s store, fronting on the street across from the hotel and the Pilot office and running back behind the bank, making about as much more space for the store as it has now. It is likely that work on this building will be started before very long.

Other building of the same substantial type is under consideration, and some of it is pretty definitely settled for the near future.

From The Pilot, Vass, N.C., Friday, August 12, 1921. Last name spelled Beasley and Beasly in newspaper.

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