
Friday, August 20, 2021

N.C. Animals Chose Unlikely Friends, Aug. 18, 1921

Strange Attachments of Animals

Animals, like human beings, like companionship, and are quick to learn their friends.

Mrs. Mary Lassiter, who lives in town, owns a pony and a calf that have become fast friends. When separated, they seem to grieve and will even abstain from food.

Stranger still is the friendship existing between a raccoon and a dog owned by Mr. L.E. Futrell. The coon and dog will play together and seem to delight in each other’s company. Should the dog not be in a mood for playing, the coon will caress him in the most loving manner. The coon will crawl all over the dog, put his fore legs around the dog’s neck, and in many ways show his love for the dog. They never disagree.

A farmer living here who will not shoot or harm a bird or squirrel can go in his woods and fields and the squirrels and birds show no fear of him. They seem to know he is their friend.

From The Roanoke-Chowan Times, Rich Square, N.C., Thursday, August 18, 1921

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