
Monday, September 13, 2021

20 of 100 Children at Wilson's Mills High School Arrived by School Truck, Sept. 13, 1921

Wilson’s Mills School Opens. . . Enrollment for the First Day Was Over 100; One of Few Schools in Which School Truck Is Used

Wilson’s Mills, Sept. 12—The Wilson’s Mills High School opened on Monday, September 8th, under prospects for a great school year, with Miss Mayme Moore of Wilson as Principal. Present at the opening were several of the patrons of the school and the school committeemen; and from Smithfield were Miss Mary E. Wells, Prof. H.B. Marrow, Mr. S.J. Kirby, Miss Minnie Lee Garrison and Mr. H.V. Rose. The opening exercises were very informal and were conducted by Miss Wells.

The district numbers something over 250 pupils and the enrollment for the first day was over 100. The school is one of the few schools in the county in which the school truck is used, the truck being first used in this district last December to transfer the pupils from the Pimple Hill school into the Wilson’s Mills High School. It was put into operation at the opening of the school this year and brought in its freight of over 20 children on the first day.

Miss Minnie Lee Garrison made a very interesting and instructive demonstration in the opening exercises with the ”school lunch” problem. In this she emphasized the use of milk for school children, stating that each child should use at least one quart of this most perfect of foods each day.

From the front page of The Smithfield Herald, Sept. 13, 1921

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