
Thursday, September 23, 2021

Because of Recession, Wake Forest College Has 75 Fewer Students, Sept. 20, 1921

Wake Forest Has 480 Registrants. . . 75 Students Less This Year Than Last Owing to Financial Stringency

Wake Forest, Sept. 18—Four hundred and eighty registrants was the (two lines obscured) of registration. This number represents about 75 students less than the registration at the same time for the 1920-21 session at Wake Forest and is only second in total enrollment to last year in the history of the college. The next week or two will witness the registration of some 20 more students, which will approximate a total of about 500 students.

Taking into consideration the financial depression of the South this enrollment is regarded as most encouraging, and exceeds the expectations of college authorities. Little or no trouble was experienced in accommodating the large enrollment since the Wake Forest hotel and the Wilkerson building, lately equipped as a dormitory, are able to house about 200 men.

College politics lost no time in organizing after the opening of college and the Senior Class was the first to complete its election of officers. The members of that class who were chosen for the graduating year are: R.S. Averitt of Clayton, president; O.H. Hauser of Dundy, Neb., vice-president; W.B. Boone of Davie county, secretary; E.F. Holman of Wilkesboro, historian; A.L. Goodrich of Johnson county, prophet; J.F. Hodge of Beckley, W.Va., testator; R.B. Dawes of Elm City, orator; Nelson Harte of Oxford, treasurer; C.B. Howard of Sampson county, honor committeeman, and J.R. Nelson of Vance county, poet.

Dr. C.E. Maddry, State secretary of the Baptist denomination, is conducting a series of sermons here in the Baptist church of the College. Dr. Maddry began this morning and will deliver a sermon each night during the coming week.

The Dunn Dispatch, Sept. 20, 1921

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