
Thursday, September 9, 2021

Charlotte Local Items, Sept. 8, 1921

Vicinity Items

Rev. S.W. Hamilton, the newly appointed presiding elder of the Lincolnton District, held his last quarterly meeting at Moore’s chapel Sunday, September 4th. He preached two soul-stirring sermons that inspired the congregation. He is doing a splendid work. Lincolnton church is in good condition. The community song service is the topic of the day in that town.

Dr. S.D. Watkins, Manager of the Publishing House, preached for Dr. J. Francis Lee in his revival meeting at Torrence chapel, Newell Station, the night of September 7th. Twenty-five souls have already been saved for God and Zion.

Dr. B.G. Shaw, the evangelist, is conducting the revival meeting at Clinton Metropolitan Church, Rev. M.D. Smith, pastor. The church is filled to overflowing every night and many souls have been saved.

Misses Mildred Henderson and Flora Chisholm entertained quite a few at a straw ride Tuesday evening, September 6th. All report a pleasant evening spent.

Miss Aurelia Tate, who has been spending her vacation in Atlantic City and other points East, returned home Sunday morning, September 4th.

Miss Cassie Benson, who has been spending her vacation in New York City, has returned home.

Miss Mary Henry and Hattie French of Biddleville, who have been spending their vacation in New York City and Washington, D.C., have returned home.

Miss Henrietta Bruce’s Sunday School Class of Grace A.M.E. Zion church was entertained at a straw ride Tuesday night. The Party went to the Catawba River and reported a pleasant time.

Mr. Floyd Moore of Caldwell Street, who was shot Labor Day, died September 6th. HIs funeral will be held at his home Thursday at 4 o’clock.

Mr. and Mrs. O.J. Jackson, who spent their vacation in Wilmington, N.C., returned to their city Monday morning.

Miss Nannie McCallum and Mr. H. Suber were quietly married Tuesday night at her home on East First Street.

Miss Edna Morris, who has been spending her vacation in New York City, has returned home.

Mesdames Laura Alexander, Doreatha Williams, Minnie Jackson and J.W. Crockett were delegates to the Eastern Star Society which met in Raleigh, N.C., Sept. 6, 7, and 8th.

Mr. J.E. Watkins made a flying trip to Raleigh, N.C., Wednesday night, September 7th, returning to the city Thursday.

Miss Beatrice Locke of China Grove, N.C., has returned to the city to resume her work as teacher in the Graded School.

From The Star of Zion, Charlotte, N.C., September 8, 1921

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