
Saturday, September 18, 2021

Detectives Have Discovered Blockade Runners' New Method of Transporting Whiskey, Sept. 18, 1921

Officers Are On to New Rum Specials

That a Ford coupe, ingeniously fitted up for hauling liquor, captured by Salisbury policemen, is a machine which local officers have been endeavoring to apprehend for some weeks was expressed in police circles Saturday. A touring car, arranged similar to the Salisbury machine, was taken over by Detectives Earnhardt, Bradley and Riley when it was found on West Trade street Friday morning. The officers believe cars have been “running the blockade” with rye whiskey from Savannah regularly. It was also considered likely that the scheme of making whiskey containers of the car bodies is common among transporters. But the capture of the car here and the one is Salisbury has “put the officers wise” and it will be difficult to get through with cars of this arrangement, police believe.

From the Charlotte News, Sunday, Sept. 18, 1921

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