
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Dr. H.R. Hege Adds X-Ray Machine to His Dental Practice, Sept. 29, 1921

X-Ray Machine Installed

Dr. H.R. Hege has recently installed the latest and most improved model Ritter X-Ray machine in his dental offices in this city. By the use of this machine Dr. Hege will be more enabled to determine the disease or defect at the root of a tooth, as it makes a clear and distinct picture within a very short time, which will show the slightest trouble hidden at the root of the tooth from human eyes.

Even the layman not versed in the knowledge of dentistry can, from the pictures of the teeth as made by this machine, himself see the defect, they being so plain and so perfected to that point of showing the circulation in the tooth and jaw bone.

In the making of these pictures there is not the slightest pain or unpleasant sensation experienced by the patient, and the machine has been so nearly perfected as to make it as safe as the every day camera.

With this addition to his already modernly equipped office, Dr. Hege can now boast of one of the most completely equipped dental parlors in the state.

From The Mount Airy News, Thursday, Sept. 29, 1921

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