
Friday, September 24, 2021

Fordson Tractor Demonstration at J.W. Stephenson's Farm, Sept. 27, 1921

Fordson Demonstration

Next Tuesday, Sept. 27, the Sanders Motor Company will conduct a Fordson Tractor demonstration on the farm of Mr. J.W. Stephenson, near town. Stiff, bottom land rendered harder by the dry summer will be the scene of operations, everybody being invited to be on hand and witness the remarkable work which a Fordson tractor can do.

Representatives of the Ford Motor Company will be present, as will also leading plow and implement manufacturers. The day will be given over to showing what power farming can do. The demonstration will being at 9:30 o’clock.

From the front page of The Smithfield Herald, Friday, Sept. 23, 1921. To demonstrate the ease of operation, tractor companies would demonstrate tractors driven by women.

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