
Sunday, September 19, 2021

Greenville Spinners Baseball Club About to Lose Franchise, Sept. 19, 1921

Spinners’ Charter About to be Lost

Greenville, Sept. 19—The Greenville baseball club, a community enterprise, will not surrender its franchise to the South Atlantic League if an individual or a group of citizens will “pay the piper” at a mass meeting that is to be held here Tuesday morning in the interest of retaining membership in the league.

It is imperative that action be taken tomorrow, as the club owes $2,400 in salaries to players overdue since Sept. 15, and the five-day limit expires Tuesday. If these salaries are not paid tomorrow, the players become free agents and will look to the league for payment, which means that the league would take over the franchise and place it to best advantage.

The amount necessary to buy the club is $7,500, which is the total of the capital stock issued. Allen J. Graham, prominent cotton manufacturer, said that he would be one of the three or four who would subscribe $2,000 because of civic pride. Others have indicated willingness to take over the club.

From The Charlotte News, Monday, Sept. 19, 1921

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