
Friday, September 17, 2021

Hog Born Without Hind Quarters Walks on Two Front Legs, Sept. 17, 1921

Freak Hog Arrives as Exhibition

Mr. Morris Barfield from Mount Olive has arrived in the city from Hickory, where he has been exhibiting the wonderful freak two-legged hog which he had on exhibition in Charlotte some weeks ago.

The characteristics of this hog are that it has no hip joints, hams, hind legs or tail, but walks and balances itself on its two front feet while walking. The feats that it performs while in the act of walking are similar to the tactics employed by an acrobat in the art of walking on his hands.

The hog is 17 months old, weighing approximately 130 pounds, is in perfect health. It has been examined by the local veterinarians in Charlotte and everything claimed for it by its owner has been found to be true. The hog is a native of Sampson County, having been raised by a Mr. George Tyndar of Clinton. Mr. Barfield has his hog on exhibition at the Carolina’s exposition as a “Made in Carolina Exhibit.”

From the Charlotte News, Saturday, Sept. 17, 1921

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