
Sunday, September 26, 2021

Instead of Denying Unfit Right To Marry, Correct the Problems, Says Rudolph Binder,Sept. 26, 1921

Make the Unfit Fit

New York, Sept. 28—A eugenic law forbidding the unfit to marry would breed revolution, Professor Rudolph M. Binder of New York University told the second International Congress of Eugenics today. A better course to pursue, he said, would be to make the unfit fit. He also disputed the assertion that men of genius usually are weaklings. According to the findings of the draft records during the World War, Professor Binder said “nearly 50 per cent of the men examined were found to be unfit for military duty, and a fair percentage had to be made fit by special exercise and diet. Who would dare deny marriage to the unfit fifty percent?”

“Again, if we read that, out of 20 million school children in our country, 15 million suffer from defects which are partially or completely remediable. What are we going to do? Telling them when they have grown up and are presumably worse, that they must not marry would produce a revolution.”

From The Charlotte News, Monday, September 26, 1921

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