
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

James Thomas, Plumber, Killed While Boarding Train to Williamston, Sept. 25, 1921

Young Man Killed by A.C.L. Passenger Train

Wilson, Sept. 25—While attempting to board a moving southbound A.C.L. passenger train here this afternoon, James Thomas, a Wilson plumber, fell under the train and was instantly killed. He was hurrying to get to Williamston to finish a rush job. He was an ex-service man, a member of Company K of this city, and a son of Gray Thomas.

This young man had been working in Williamston for several months and was liked by those who knew him. The young man stepped on the bottom steps of the car platform and some one who had boarded the train came down the steps to get off, and Thomas swung around to permit him to pass, when he lost his hold and fell between the cars, his head striking the rail and before he could be pulled out the slowly moving train had cut his head off.

From the front page of The Enterprise, Williamston, N.C., Monday, Sept. 27, 1921

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