
Monday, September 6, 2021

Jim Harris, Alias Jim Barber, Gets 660 Days on Chain Gang for Stealing Bicycles, Porch Furniture, Sept. 6 & 7, 1921

Bicycle Thief To Face Warrants

Jim Harris, alias Jim Barber, the alleged wholesale bicycle and porch chair thief, will appear before Recorder Laurence Jones Wednesday morning to answer charged contained in a score of warrants.

Harris, the police claim, has been specializing in the theft of bicycles and purloining chairs from front porches of Charlotte homes as a side-line. While detectives were collecting 17 bicycles he is alleged to have stolen, they discovered that Jim had procured a valuable collection of porch chairs as the result of visits to several homes, including those of W.H. Martin, G.G. Galloway and Dolph M. Young, Morehead street residents.

Boys have been calling at police headquarters since the discovery of the bicycles Saturday night seeking to identify the wheels. Several have been returned to their former owners.

Harris “camouflaged” the stolen machines and sold them in several sections of the city, the officers claim. The porch chairs also were sold.

From The Charlotte News, Sept. 6, 1921

Negro Is Given 660 Days on Chaingang

Six hundred sixty days, or 60 days for each offense, was the penalty imposed by Recorder Laurence Jones Wednesday when Jim Harris, alias Jim Barber, was found guilty of the whole sale theft of bicycles. Harris faces 11 warrants, and he was found guilty and sentenced to 60 days on the roads on each county.

Harris was arrested Saturday night by Detectives McGraw, Bradley and Owens, following the recovery of 11 bicycles which the negro was alleged to have stolen when he found them on the streets. Many more machines are alleged to have been taken by him during the past several months, and officers are still endeavoring to recover more wheels.

From The Charlotte News, Sept. 7, 1921

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