
Monday, September 13, 2021

J.M. Beaty and The Smithfield Herald, Sept. 9, 1921

Three Decades With the Herald

Next year 1922 will mark the 40th year of The Smithfield Herald. Nine years after its establishment in September 1891, Mr. J.M. Beaty bought a half interest in the paper, and this month rounds out the third decade of his connection with this institution. Seldom does any man stick at the same business for so long a period, particularly in a line of work attended by ups and downs, fatigue and worry, characteristic of newspaper life. For a quarter of a century, Mr. T.J. Lassiter, who died a year ago today, was associated with Mr. Beaty. These men toiled at their chosen work, endeavoring to help along every good movement, lending their support to every worthy undertaking, striving to build up the life of the community in which they labored.

It is proverbial that the newspaper man rarely ever attains riches in this world’s goods and so it has been with these editors of The Herald. But during all the 30 years of the senior editor’s connection with the paper, ends somehow met. Printers have been paid for their work, and the paper bill has always been settled. It was the purpose of the publishers to treat every customer right, to furnish as good a paper as they knew how to get out, and thanks are due every person who has given a subscription, who has used the columns for advertising, or has placed an order for job work. The present management realizing the hard work and persistence it takes to build up a paper, wished to thank sincerely everyone who has had a part in making The Smithfield Herald. With continued co-operation it is their purpose to uphold the high standard of the past and to wield only an influence which shall make for a higher type of citizenship in Smithfield and Johnston County.

From the editorial page of The Smithfield Herald, Sept. 9, 1921, J.M. Beaty, W.M. Gaskin, Mrs. T.J. Lassiter, I.W. Medlin, proprietors

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