
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Lord's Day Alliance Alien and Un-American Elements Try to Dissipate Christian Sabbath, Says Dr. Albert Johnson, Sept. 15, 1921

Letters to the Editor

Dr. Johnson Approves

Editor of The News:

It is a splendid omen in these materialistic days when the editor of a virile newspaper like The Charlotte News takes up his pen in defense of the Christian Sabbath as was so finely done in your paper of September 7. This is not the first time, however, that this thing has been done by The News, for I recall the universal comment that was made on an editorial of The News in its stand for the observance of the Lord’s Day when an attempt was made to have an open Sunday in Charlotte while the soldiers were at Camp Greene. The writer was not a citizen of this city at the time, but saw the editorial copied in a New York paper with most favorable comment.

Your diagnosis of the attack recently made on The Lord’s Day Alliance is correct. It is simply a camouflage on the part of certain combinations of alien and un-American elements who, behind this smoke screen, are trying to dissipate the Christian Sabbath and commercialize it for their own selfish ends.

All this propaganda as to the promulgation of “blue laws” was started by themselves, hoping, by this method, to throw dust in the eyes of the people as to the real purpose of The Lord’s Day Alliance, which has for its purpose the protection and preservation of the Christian Sabbath as a day of rest and worship.

--Albert S. Johnson

From the editorial page of The Charlotte News, Sept. 14, 1921

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