
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

New Building for State Hospital for Insane at Morganton, Sept. 14, 1921

Awarding Contract for New Hospital

Contracts will be awarded late Wednesday afternoon for the erection of a new $250,000 building at the State Hospital for the Insane at Morganton.

The bids will be opened in the office of John M. Scott at the Charlotte National Bank where a meeting of a committee of the directors is being held for the purpose of awarding the contract. A large number of bidders were grouped around the bank building awaiting announcement of the results of their efforts to land this important contract.

Superintendent John McCampbell of Morganton is in the city for the purpose of being present with the directors to whom has been entrusted the task of awarding this contract. Mr. Scott is one of the directors acting on this matter.

From the Charlotte News, Sept. 14, 1921

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