
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

News From the Charlotte Area, Sept. 1, 1921

Vicinity Items

Prof. Leland Stafford Cozart, teacher at Mary Potter School, Oxford, N.C., was in the city last week attending the Synodical and School of Methods at Biddle University. He was also a visitor at the Publication House.

Miss Florella Chapman of Cheraw, S.C., is in the city as guest of her nephew, Mr. W.P. Robinson of S. Mint Street.

Mrs. W.P. Robinson and daughter, Elise, are spending their vacation in Norfolk, Va.

A successful revival closed Monday night at Gethsemane A.M.E. Zin Church, Rev. R. Farley Fisher, pastor. Fifth souls were saved for God and Zion. This revival was conducted by Rev. B.G. Shaw.

Mrs. Ella Nelson of Washington Heights is still reported ill. The prayers of the church are solicited.

Mr. Johnson Jordan is still on the sick list. We hope for him a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fitzgerald, formerly of this city, were guests of Mrs. W.W. Smith of South Caldwell Street. They left the city Thursday night for their home in Los Angeles, Calif.

Miss Hattie E. Henderson of Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. R.W. Watkins on Palmer Street. Miss Henderson is returning from the Convention of Trained Nurses, recently held in Washington, D.C. She goes from her to visit her relative Mrs. Dr. B.F. Murray at Cleveland, N.C.

Rev. S.D. Watkins, Manager of the Publication House, held quarterly meeting for Rev. S.T. Hawkins at Piney Grove Church, Iredell County, Sunday, Aug. 26, Rev. Moseley, pastor. He reports the work in good condition and said that the young man, Moseley, is a splendid pastor and Christian gentleman. Rev. Moseley spared no pains in making it pleasant for the manager. Quite a number of the members subscribed for The Star of Zion.

Rev. B.G. Shaw will conduct a revival at Clinton Metropolitan Church, Rev. M.D. Smith, pastor, beginning Sunday, Sept. 4th. The public is cordially invited.

Miss Kathryn Bratton of this city left Wednesday for New York City, where she will reside with relatives.

Miss Julia Freeland and Mr. Ramsey have been recently added to our force.

Mr. Raymond Jones has left the city for Knoxville, Tenn., where he will spend a few weeks with his parents and friends.

Mrs. Ruth Hucles, our Y.M.C.A. worker of this city, left the city Thursday for her home in Richmond, Va.

Misses Olivia and Grace Weddington, who have been visiting New York and other eastern points, returned to the city Saturday. They report5 a pleasant stay.

Madames Sarah Diamond and E.W. Quinn left the city Sunday morning for Chicago. Ill.

Mrs. Goldie McClullough returned to the city last Monday after spending two weeks in Norfolk, Va., visiting relatives and friends.

Miss Sarah Davis of S. McDowell Street, is home after spending the summer in Shelby, N.C.

Mrs. Eliza Moore and Mrs. W.H. Hill returned to the city last Sunday night. The reported a pleasant trip. They visited New York, Atlantic City, Montclair, N.J., Philadelphia and Washington, D.C.

Mrs. McCrorey and the ladies of the city entertained at th elibrary Tuesday night in honor of Mrs. Huncles and Miss Hurlong, our Y.W.C.A. workers.

Miss Novella McCrorey left the city Wednesday night for Syracuse, N.Y., where she is attending school.

Mr. W.S. Cannon of Atlanta, Ga., passed through the city Wednesday night enroute to Raleigh, N.C.

Dr. and Mrs. E. French Tyson are spending their vacation touring the State of North Carolina.

From The Star of Zion, Charlotte, N.C., Sept. 1, 1921

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