
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Policeman, Health Department Employee, Turned Bankrobbers, Sept. 15, 1921

Bank Robbers Routed at Ronda

Winston-Salem, Sept. 15—When a gang of robbers stood outside the Deposit and Savings Bank at Ronda early Wednesday morning, waiting for the dynamite explosions that were expected to blow open the doors of the two safes, Enoch C. Sparks, a rural mail carrier, who lived next door to the bank building, jumped from his bed on being awakened by the noise, grabbed his shot gun, and running out-doors started a barrage that set the thieves hot-footing it to the woods.

Officers, assisted by citizens, following the tracks of a large automobile, came to Winston-Salem and late yesterday arrested Grady cheek and Grady Smith, charging them with taking part in the attempted robbery. Cheek, according to the police, admitted that he was in Ronda Tuesday night and said Smith was with him. Both, however, denied anything to do with entering the bank.

The bank’s safes and the building were damaged by the explosion, but not a penny was stolen. Cheek was at one time a member of the Winston-Salem police force, while Smith once served in the city health department.

From The Charlotte News, Sept. 15, 1921

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