
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Rev. Jim Gould Outstanding Pastor at Red Springs, N.C., Sept. 1, 1921

A Successful Pastor

By Rev. J.H. Stevenson, Red Springs, N.C.

Rev. Gould is among our best prepared men. He is a man clean of character. He is much loved by the people of Red Springs, white and colored.

One of the leading white men of the town said Jim Gould is a Christian gentleman and a real gospel preacher. He said, “I hope the Bishop will let him stay here always.”

Rev. Gould is succeeding with his church work at Red Springs beyond that of any of his predecessors. The writer, arrived at Red Springs August the 8th to conduct a revival. We found the church well organized and every department fully alive. After spending five days preaching, praying and singing, the Holy Ghost came down and 80 souls were born of God. Where th epeople came from it will take the record keeper of heaven to tell. They came in wagons, buggies and automobiles, white and black. We were told by the officers that the great congregations gather every Sunday to hear one of the cleanest gospel preachers that ever filled the pulpit at Red Springs.

The Prophet of the Lord from the wilderness, Red Springs, N.C.

From The Star of Zion, Charlotte, N.C., Sept. 1, 1921

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