
Sunday, September 12, 2021

Society News by Adelaide Pearson Caldwell, Sept. 12, 1921

Society News

By Miss Adelaide Pearson Caldwell

Little Miss Stuart Celebrates Birthday

Miss Lydia Stuart, the lovely little daughter of Mrs. George Stuart, gave a delightful doll-party at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. And Mrs. W.A. Watson on South Tryon street, Saturday afternoon, celebrating her seventh birthday.

The little hostess was exceptionally pretty in a white organdie frock with pink sash and hair-ribbon. Assisting her entertaining were her mother, Mrs. Stuart, and her aunt, Mrs. Watson.

Various games were enjoyed on the lawn, after which ice cream, cake and candy were served.

Each guest received a doll as a souvenir.

Little Miss Stuart’s guests were Catherine Marshall, Dorothy Hand, Ora Lee Jenkins, Wilma Doggett, Jennie Curry, Eleanor Dell Killick, Maggie Morson, Sallie Hunter, Nancy Naile, Catherine Dewstowe, Catherine Crowell, Mary Ann Carter, Courtney Jones, Charles Brown, Billie McClelland, Bunny Taylor, Hinson Brown, Scott Shepherd.


Dr. and Mrs. Rogers Coming From Korea

Dr. and Mrs. James M. Rogers and little son, David, will land in San Francisco on the 22nd from Korea, and will come to Charlotte at once for a visit to Mrs. Rogers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ross.

Dr. and Mrs. Rogers have resided in Soon Chun, Korea, ever since their marriage four years ago, Dr. Rogers being a representative of the Southern Methodist church. They are making the trip home on account of Mrs. Rogers’ health, which has been very poor for some time past. She was formerly Miss Mary Ross of Charlotte.


Mrs. Patton to Entertain

Mrs. Joseph C. Patton will give a luncheon at the Charlotte Country club Tuesday at 1:30 o’clock, in honor of her house-guest, Mrs. Joseph Hyde Pratt.


Weidemeyer to Play Here Thursday Night

One of the most notable dances of the season will be the subscription dance to be given under the management of several young society men of the city Thursday evening in the City Auditorium, from 9 to 2.

The music will be furnished by the Weidemeyer Saxophone orchestra of Huntington, W. Va.

The dance will be attended by a large number of boys and girls who are leaving soon for school, and it is expected that the Davidson students will turn out en masse for the affair.

A number of prominent society folks will act as chaperones, the list to be published Tuesday.


Robert Haywood McGeachy

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. McGeachy are being congratulated upon the birth of a 10-pound son, Robert Hayward McGeachy, Sunday night at the Presbyterian hospital. The news will be of interest both here and in Mount Gilead, Mrs. McGeachy’s home. She was formerly Miss Hazel Hayward of that place.


All Missionary Circles of Tabernacle to Meet

All the circles of the Ladies’ Missionary Society of the East Avenue Tabernacle will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at the church. Important business matters will be discussed. Mrs. Mason Wallace, president of the women’s work of the First Presbytery, will meet with the ladies and discuss their plans with them.


Birth Announcement

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Templeton, a daughter, Freda Clair. Mrs. Templeton, before marriage, was Miss Orchis L. Wilson.


To Fassifern

Those leaving a week from Wednesday for Fassifern school, at Hendersonville, are Misses Eleanor Kuhn, Marian Wadsworth, Martha Davis, Doris Howell, Aurelia Cave, Mary Bagley Ross.


St. Peter’s Hospital Guild to Meet

St. Peter’s hospital guild will meet with Mrs. W.B. Ryder at her home on East Morehead street Wednesday morning at 10:30 o’clock.


To Attend Freshman Reception

Attending the Freshman reception at Davidson Monday night from Charlotte will be Misses Calvine Scott, Ellen Victor, Roberts Walker, Edith Gilchrist, Alice Walker, and Cecil Gilchrist and Randolph Scott.


To Sweetbriar Wednesday

Leaving Wednesday to enter Sweetbriar College, Sweetbriar, Virginia, will be Misses Louise Gibbon, Martha Lee, Martha Jamison, Virginia Whitlock, Lucy Holmes Carson and Clara King.

From The Charlotte News, Sept. 12, 1921

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