
Monday, September 20, 2021

Wesley Bible Class Hosts 150 At Annual Fish Fry, Sept. 20, 1921

Wesley Bible Class Has Annual Fish Fry. . . More Than 150 Guests Gather at Rhodes’ Feed for Enjoyable Occasion

With heart-warming talks from Rev. John J. Langston, Professor W.S. Snipes, Hannibal L. Godwin, Julius Culbreth and Henry Hood, and fish enough for an army, members of Divine Street Methodist Wesley Bible Class and their friends enjoyed the annual fish fry of the class held at Rhodes’ Pond last Friday afternoon.

More than 150 guests were present. Even this number could not consume all of the food prepared, and nearly 100 pounds was sent to the Holiness Orphanage at Falcon.

Hannibal L. Godwin was the first teacher of the class. He resigned the position 27 years ago to enter college. Mr. Hood took u the work then and has been teacher ever since. Warm praise was given Mr. Hood by all of the speakers and to him is due most of the credit for the class’s long life and growth.

The Dunn Dispatch, Sept. 20, 1921

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