
Friday, October 29, 2021

Brevard Graded School Needs Sidewalk, Oct. 28, 1921

A Sidewalk for the School

The old board walk in front of the Brevard Graded Schools has long since served its purpose and it is high time that decent, concrete walk were laid down. The present walk is not only warped and worn out, but is dangerous to life and limb and is generally nearly all completely covered with mud and sand, especially after a rain, owing to the fact that it is lower than the ground next to the school building.

Brevard has had some extensive street improvements in the past few months and the city government is to be congratulated; but no street is more important than this sidewalk for our future citizenship.

A sidewalk is also necessary from Main Street down to Gaston Street to the school building, running along by the new machine shop. This is necessary in order that the folks going to the Baptist Church or to school would not have to walk away round the bank block during wet weather.

From the editorial page of The Brevard News, Oct. 28, 1921, W.E. Breese, Owner, and Wm. A. Band, Publisher.

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