
Sunday, October 17, 2021

Cecil Spencer, Vernon Lafone, Dan Sipe Charged With Complicity in Glenn Lippard Murder, Oct. 17, 1921

All Day Hearing in Lippard Case

Magistrate Hallyburton at Morganton Saturday night bound Cecil Spencer, Vernon Lafone and Dan Sipe over to Burke Superior Court on the charge of complicity in the Glenn Lippard murder a year ago. Dock Hefner, who was brought from Raleigh, declared that Lone Young and Baxter Hildebrand had nothing to do with the killing and said that he and Lafone were the principal actors in the drama. The boys were released on bond last week.

Mrs. Bryce, wife of the Burke County jailer, and Arthur Pope, former member of the Hickory police force, told of overhearing a conversation in the jail between Lafone and Dock Hefner, in which Dock was told that he played thunder “in losing that check,” and in which the case was discussed in low tones by the boys.

The only new feature of the testimony however, was the declaration by Dock Hefner that Young and Hildebrand had nothing to do with the killing. The officers and others about the court house knew of the conversation in the jail last December.

From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, Monday, Oct. 17, 1921

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