
Saturday, October 2, 2021

Chapman, Moore, McClendon, Wilson Arrested for Fight, Oct. 2, 1921

Four Arrested After Free-For-All Fight

A free-for-all fight in front of the American Café on West Fourth street around 10 o’clock last night resulted in the arrest of four white men on an affray charge. Those taken into custody were W.R. Chapman, D.T. Moore, M.S. McClendon and H.E. Wilson. An additional charge of drunkenness was lodged against McClendon.

The fight is alleged to have started in the café following a dispute between Chapman and McClendon. The fighters worked their way to the street where the two other men are alleged to have become involved. After knocking one of the principals beneath an automobile, Chapman backed up Fourth street with his hand at his hip pocket, daring the crowd of perhaps 50 people which had assembled to start towards him.

A call for policemen brought Detectives Ed Pittman and Tom Gribble, Sergeant Black and Motorcycle Officer W.W. McGraw. They promptly put a “quietus” to the affair and after everybody in the crowd had had an opportunity to give their version of the fight the quartet was packed into the police Ford and consigned to the station.

From the Charlotte News, Oct. 2, 1921

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