
Friday, October 22, 2021

Club, Church and Other Social News from Newton, Oct. 22, 1921

In Newton Society

Newton, Oct. 22—Mrs. Chas. W. Thurmond was the charming hostess to the Thursday Book Club in her cozy apartments at St. Hubert’s Inn. A very full attendance of club members were present and their number was augmented by several special guests, these being Mrs. Freichsen of Atlanta, a friend of the hostess, Mesdames J.A. Young, J.S. Lancaster, D.B. Gaither and Fred Yount. Roll call brought forth many interesting quotations and items of news.

The study program of the occasion was the most interesting. Mrs. P.W. Tucker read a paper on Emerson, which showed much study and investigation, and Mrs. J.F. Stewart one on Emerson the Transcendentalist, which showed a thorough acquaintance with Emerson’s writings. At the close of the literary program, assisted by Mesdames Fred Yount and David Gaither, the hostess served a most delicious luncheon.


Mrs. S.L. Herman most delightfully entertained the Embroidery Circle and a number of invited guests on Tuesday afternoon at her home on College Street.

The living room, parlor and dining room were most artistically decorated in many baskets of pink and white cosmos and pink and white chrysanthemums. The guests were most cordially greeted at the door by the hostess. When all had arrived, the meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. L.H. Phillips, after the roll call and minutes of previous meetings, the guests are all most highly entertained by a musical program consisting of a piano solo by Miss Mary Hardister, a vocal solo by Mrs. Glenn Long, and a piano selection by Mrs. H.E. Rowe. Those who gathered in the dining room all worked on an appliqued bed spread, while the other guests diligently applied themselves to smaller pieces of fancy work. After much merriment the hostess, assisted by her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Herman and Miss Rose Ford, served a delicious salad course with many accessories. All of the club members were present except three, and the special guests were Mesdames Clyde Rowe, Glenn Long, Loy Sigmon, Fred Yount, H.E. Rowe, J.A. Ditzler, Zeb Yount, Lee Gabriel, George Moose, J.R. Plonk and Misses Mary Hardister, Georgia and Katie Hoover.


The Virginia Dare Book Club had a most delightful meeting Friday afternoon with Mrs. C.L. Everhart, as hostess. The home was beautifully decorated with white chrysanthemums in baskets tied with green ribbon and exquisite potted plants. Will Allen Drumgoode was the author of the day and the following program was ably given. Oral Sketches, “Drumgoode’s life and work, Mrs. Glenn Long. Reading “Where My Dolly Died” and “Balaam,” Mrs. T.C. Clifton. Prose selection, “Rag,” Mrs. Loy Sigmon. Vocal number, “the Heart of a Rose,” Mrs. Glenn Long. Instrumental selection from McDowell, Miss Mary Hardister. The “Rosary,” Mrs. A.H. Crowell. Reading “Mine Enemy,” Miss Mazie Schmidt. Vocal numbers by Miss Vera Schiem, accompanied by Miss Marion Wolfinger.

Mrs. Everhart served delicious refreshments consisting of chicken salad, beaten biscuits, tomatoes, fruit salad sandwiches and pickles, followed by coffee, and green and white mints.

The following members and guests were present to enjoy Mrs. Everhardt’s hospitality, Mesdames Glenn Long, Loy Sigmon, T.C. Clifton, Wilfong Yount, G.C. Little, Sid Smyre, J.A. Gaither, Andrew Warlick, A.H. Crowell; Miss Florence Hamilton, Miss Schien, Miss Agnes Andrew, Miss Mary Haridster, Miss Marion Wolfinger, Miss Scheley, Miss Robbins, Miss Emma Ressler and Miss Mazie Schmidt.


Miss Olive Duke was hostess to the faculty of the Newton graded schools at her home on College Street Saturday evening from 8 to 11. As the guests arrived they were served delicious fruit punch by the hostess. In an interesting contest on “State Abbreviation,” the Gentlemen’s prize was won by Mr. H.H. Lowry and the Ladies’ by Miss Freddie Hoover. The hostess served (a) delicious ice course with mints. Those enjoying the hospitality of Miss Duke were Misses Florence Martin, Freddie Hoover, Anna and Bergna McCorkle, Annie Tuttle, Thelma Robinson, Mabel Loftin, Willie Mae Holler, Ruth Norton, Mary white, Florence Logan and Messrs. Edgar Rader, Walter Feimster, H.H. Lowry, Prof. James. P. Sifford, Prof. W.L. Ingold, Seth White, Gus Deaton, Henry Duke of Charlotte.


Rev. H.M. Pressley, pastor of the Newton Presbyterian Church, is attending the Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina now in session at Tarboro.

Rev. P.W. Tucker and Mr. L.H. Phillips are attending the annual meeting of the Western North Carolina Conference which is now in session at High Point. Mr. Tucker is pastor of the First Methodist Church of Newton.

Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Bickett, who have made their home in this city for several years, leave in a few days for Netherton, Miss., where they will reside. They have many friends in this city who regret to see them leave.

Misses Leora Sherrill and Katherine Curtiss were hostesses to the members of the Sophomore Class of Catawba College on Monday evening at a marshmallow roast. A most delightful evening was spent by all present.

Mrs. Glenn Long and little daughter, Dorothy, have returned from a visit to Mrs. Long’s parents at Union, S.C.

Miss Glenna Lentz of Gold Hill is visiting her sister, Miss Verna Lentz at Catawba College. Miss Lentz was a member of the faculty last year.

Professor Wolfinger and Prof. Will attended the meeting of North Carolina College Presidents at Greensboro.

From The Hickory Daily Record, Oct. 22, 1921

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