
Sunday, October 17, 2021

In Memory of Ruffie Blackman, 8, Written by His Aunt Maymie, Oct. 18, 1921

In Memory of Ruffie Blackman

On October 7, just as the sun sank below the western horizon, the Angel of Death hovered over the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willie R. Blackman, and bore away the spirit of their darling boy, Ruffie, to his heavenly home.

Ruffie was born September 8, 1912, making his short stay on earth nine years and 29 days. He was a good boy, always trying to do something to please father and mother.

He was sick only a short time, but he seemed to know that he was in the Heavenly Father’s care to heal or take home. He asked just a few hours before the end came for a minister to come and pray for him to get well. But Jesus tells us to “Summer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” All was done for him that loving hands could do, but none can stay the icy hand of death.

He leaves behind to mourn his loss a father, stepmother, one brother, Parlia, and one sister, Lou Esther, but we feel their loss is his eternal gain.

Rev. Lonnie Powers conducted the funeral services and preached a beautiful sermon. May the Lord comfort and keep the bereaved family is the prayer of the writer.

A dear one from us is gone,

A voice we loved is still;

A place is vacant in our home

Which never can be filled.

--Written by Ruffie’s Aunt Maymie

From The Smithfield Herald, Oct. 18, 1921

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