
Sunday, October 10, 2021

Lewis Edwards Found Guilty of Second Degree Murder in Death of Policeman W.T. McCuiston, Oct. 10, 1921

Edwards Guilty of the Lesser Offense

Greensboro, Oct. 10—Counsel for Lewis Edwards, convicted in Superior Court last night of second degree murder in connection with the killing of Policeman W.T. McCuiston here last May, when he attempted to arrest three whiskey runners, today asked that the verdict be set aside. The motion will be argued this afternoon.


Greensboro, Oct. 10—The jury in the case of Lewis Edwards of Danville, Va., charged with complicity in connection with the murder of Policeman Tom McCuiston on one of the principal business streets of Greensboro last May 4, after being out more than 24 hours, returned a verdict last Sunday finding the defendant guilty of murder in the second degree.

Policeman McCuiston was killed by a shot fired from an automobile as he stepped on the running board of the machine to look for liquor. It was alleged that in the machine at the time were Edwards, Carl Talley and Tommy Robertson. In the chase that followed the killing of the officer, Robertson was shot to death in Rockingham county; Edwards was captured after engaging in a pistol duel with officers, and Talley made good his escape. Edwards on the stand admitted he was in the car with Robertson and Talley, but claimed he was alone in the back seat and that the shot was fired by one of the two men in the front seat.

From the front page of The Charlotte News, Oct. 10, 1921

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