
Sunday, October 17, 2021

Local Articles From Front Page of Wilson Daily Times, Oct. 17, 1921

Well of the Chicken Pox

Miss Sadie Lee, daughter of Mr. T.E. Blount, was able to return to school today. She has been confined at home under quarantine for the chicken pox.

From the front page of the Wilson Daily Times, Monday, Oct. 17, 1921


Will Give a Dinner

The various committees of the Country club which were recently appointed by the directors are preparing to make the social live of the club more delightful this winter and will arrange a number of affairs for the benefit of the members. The committees are preparing a get together dinner in order to arrange plans for the coming season.

From the front page of the Wilson Daily Times, Monday, Oct. 17, 1921


License Issued

License has been issued for the marriage of J.L. Farmer and Mabel Newsome, both of Toisnot township; Harvie Wood and Rena M. Hall, both of Wake County.

From the front page of the Wilson Daily Times, Monday, Oct. 17, 1921


Attended Association

Elder and Mrs. E.L. Cobb, Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Roberts, and Mr. J.W. Thorn attended the White Oak Assocation of the Primitive Baptist Church, which was held with the church at New Post this year. They report a fine meeting.

From the front page of the Wilson Daily Times, Monday, Oct. 17, 1921

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