
Thursday, October 21, 2021

New Bank, Road Improvements, and Construction in Brevard, Oct. 21, 1921

New Bank

Brevard is to have a new banking institution. Plans have been perfected, a location selected and approximately all the stock to open has been subscribed, so the “News” representative was informed by one who is interested in this enterprise. An experienced banking man, Mr. Billy Davis of Sylva, N.C., has been engaged to manage the new bank. One of the large rooms in the new Picklesimer building will be the home and already preparations have been made to install a large vault. Negotiations are under way for the purchase of the office equipment and an up-to-date safe.

Mr. Davis, who will have direct supervision of the management of the institution, is thoroughly experienced in the art of banking. His record and achievements while at Sylva are considered sufficient to recommend him for the position here. He opened a bank there several years ago with a capital stock of $10,000 with one bank already there with a capitalization of $100,000. Today his bank has deposits of $250,000.

From the front page of The Brevard News, Oct. 21, 1921


Road Improvement

The street from the Baptist Church all the way to B.W. Tranthams (except one little spot) has been greatly improved and a new side walk graded and a top surface of gravel added. The large cluster of trees directly in front of the Trantham place has all been cut down, the stumps removed and the little plot covered with grass and flowers. This together with the improvement of the Zachary place opposite will make this part of the street very pretty.

From the front page of The Brevard News, Oct. 21, 1921


Pickelsimer Building

The new Pickelsimer building opposite the Aethelwold Hotel, being erected by the “Pickelsimers” mention of which has been made in these columns, is nearing completion. The roof, which is of gravel and tar, is almost completed while the interior of the building is being pushed rapidly to completion. The ground floor which will be placed on a foundation of a composition of tar and gravel will prove to be one of the best floors in any building in town. Plate glass and other fixtures for the large magnificent front has arrived and is stored upon the property, ready to be installed. The Tharp Plumbing Company, which has been awarded the contract for the heating and plumbing, are actively engaged in equipping the building with the most modern fixtures in this line. When completed this will not only be the most modern but the most imposing and handsome structure in town. The entire lower floor and part of the other floor has already been leased.

From the front page of The Brevard News, Oct. 21, 1921


Adding Second Story

Miss Martha Boswell is to add another story to her home on Probart Street. The contract calls for two additional rooms, which will necessitate raising the present roof. When finished it will not only give the additional room needed but will also add to the beauty of the already very attractive place.

From the front page of The Brevard News, Oct. 21, 1921

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