
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Parents Sacrificing Children to Get Into "Society," Accuses James Dempsey Bullock, Oct. 27, 1921

Hits the Nail on the Head. . . What of the Young Girl Rachel?

The following from the pen of James Dempsey Bullock of Wilson comes pretty near hitting the nail right square on the head:

“We have noticed that several preachers lately have asked ‘What of the young man Absalom/’ eferring to the sins and crimes committed today, the responsibility for them and laying stress on the claim that our boys are not looked after properly.

They could also ask, “What of the young girl, Rachel?” She certainly is not tending her father’s flock when she is out at 11 and 12 o’clock at night with Absolom away from the busy haunts of men in an auto.

What this country needs today is a few old-fashioned mothers that know more about patching than politics, cooking than card parties, darning than divorces, meeting houses than motion picture shows.

Yes, we need the old-fashioned mother and father who believe in looking after the bringing up of their children instead of leaving it to some organization like the Y.M.C.A., Boy Scouts, welfare officer, etc. Some think if they pay into these organizations, they have done their duty. These organizations are a power for good for children whose parents are unfitted to raise them, but nothing can take the place of the counsel and guidance of the Christian parents.

If the world is ever going to be better, it must commence with the individual home. The world will never be saved by drives. If the Bible were written as things are today, one of the commands would be, “Parents, obey our children, seek first society and all things else will be added.”

“Parents are willing to sacrifice the souls of their children to get them into what is known as society.”

From the front page of The Roanoke News, Weldon, N.C., Oct. 27, 1921

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