
Saturday, October 16, 2021

Police Looking for Speeding Chandler that Flipped Ford Car, Left the Scene, Oct. 16, 1921

Car Filled With Passengers Struck

Traveling at a terrific rate of speed, a Chandler automobile struck a Ford car filled with passengers, including a woman and a baby, overturned the machine and sped on without stopping Saturday afternoon about 5:30 o’clock on the National Highway near Newell.

The larger car side-swiped the lighter machine and turned it completely over. Only Jack Huneycutt was reported to police as being hurt, and he was only suffering with a bruise on the arm. The escape of the others was considered miraculous.

Both automobiles were coming toward the city when the accident happened. The chandler was said to have been loaded with men although the occupants of the Ford were not positive whether they were white or colored.

Following the report at the police station, two motorcycle officers were sent out but they failed to find a car that came up to the description furnished.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday morning, Oct. 16, 1921

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