
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Raeford's Town Builders: T.D. Hatcher, J.A. Niven, Sam Epstein, Raeford Building and Loan, W.P. Lester, D.M. Campbell, Oct. 26, 1921

Town Builders


One of the most finely appointed and most attractive business houses here is the jewelry store conducted by Mr. T.D. Hatcher.

Eight years ago Mr. Hatcher came to Raeford with M. Jordan, now of Dunn, N.C., under the firm name of Hatcher and Jordan in the place now used by Mayor Rowland as a law office. After one year, Mr. Hatcher bought Mr. Jordan’s interest, just after the firm had moved to the present stand.

This store is one of the best equipped and completely stocked in this section of the State. The reasons for the popularity of this store and its growing business is the high class of its stock and courteous service rendered to its patrons, accurate and reliable time pieces, pieces made by the world’s leading watch and clock makers. Added to this is the completely equipped repair department, Mr. Hatcher himself being a graduate of Bowman’s Technical School of Lancaster, Pa.


For five years Mr. J.A. Niven has successfully conducted a grocery business in Raeford.

He handles those goods we all need every day and by selling at a short profit and courteous treatment, his business has gradually grown. He keeps fresh groceries, fruits, fish and oysters, and now a good line of trade goes his way.

For many years he has satisfactorily filled the office of Justice of the Peace and is regarded as a peacemaker, which added to his other duties make him a man.


In the spring of 1908, Mr. Sam Epstein came to Raeford and opened a store. He didn’t have a very large stock, but the first thing he did was to put on a sale. This was a new thing in this new town, but it proved to be a success, and our friend has been a successful business man ever since.

Epstein’s Department Store is a fixture in Raeford, and is doing a big business.

A few months ago, Mr. Epstein opened a store in St. Pauls, and is doing a good business in that town also. Watch Epstein prosper and grow.

These stores make a specialty of ladies and gent’s furnishing and carry large stocks.


Did you ever hear of a joy institution which pays its employees on the happiness they can get out of inducing their friends to have what they heretofore have in the habit of throwing away? I get no salary nor no thanks for the work I (do) for the Raeford Building and Loan Association. This is a business which pays joy and pays you in profits by swapping you a dollar for every 78 cents you invest, and that lends you your own money back at the same time at the annual rate of only .02 ¾ per cent for term of 6 ½ years.

Your own home-town bank won’t do that for love or anything else. If you want to save your money and build you a pretty house on the easiest terms on earth, see Arthur D. Gore, Secretary.


The Messrs. Lester came here from South Carolina three years ago. They bought out E.F. Walker here two years ago, and have a thriving business.

They sell gas, oil and automobile supplies. They are constantly on the job and please their customers.

Besides their business in town, they are extensive and successful farmers, their farm lying a short distance west of town.


For many years Mr. D.M. Campbell was a “woods rider,” that is a man who rode horseback through the turpentine woods to see that the pine trees had been all chipped and boxes all dipped. He was a good woods man. He lived in Georgia and Florida for several years, after the pine timber had been worked out here.

Ten years ago he opened a store in Raeford, and since continued the business. He is doing well, and his business is growing. He is a good man and deserves success.

From the front page of the Hoke County Journal, Raeford, N.C., Oct. 26, 1921

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