
Monday, October 4, 2021

UNC's Tar Baby Five Orchestra Headed to Turkey, Oct. 4, 1921

Tar Baby Five Is Touring Europe. . . Local Musicians Yield to Call of Wanderlust and Are Bound for Turkey

Among former students of the University who are not with us this quarter are the famous and redoubtable Tar Baby Five, the prize orchestra of the campus without which any entertainment or social functions outside of the major dances was complete failure. They have been engaged on an excursion steamer, the Guy Demijal, which is carrying a group of excursionists from Winston-Salem and vicinity for a tour of Mediterranean ports.

They sailed on the 23rd of September and the Pickwick will have to suffer along without their music this quarter as it will be at least a month before they return. When last heard from, it was reported that they were Constantinople-bound and that one of their number had been removed from the orchestra and given a more remunerative position behind the bar of the ship where he was much handier.

Those making the trip are Gene Shaw, Ernest Thompson, George Thompson, and Bill Powell.

From The Tar Heel, Chapel Hill, N.C., October 4, 1921

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