
Thursday, October 28, 2021

Weldon Planning Big Armistice Day Celebration, Nov. 11, 1921

American Legion Planning Biggest Celebration the County Has Ever Seen. . . Weldon to Entertain the County on November 11th, With Parade, Speaking and Football Game Between University of North Carolina and A. & T. State College (Freshman Teams)

Weldon, N.C., Oct. 25—Weldon has already started to dress up for the big Armistice Day celebration, and by the time (of) the big day, Friday, November 11th, has rolled around, the busy City will teem with the holiday atmosphere and the ex-servicemen will once more come to the front and bring to the minds of the people that the good old stars and stripes still fly proudly at its peak. Three years ago, November 11th victory was theirs. Today peace reigns and there is something to celebrate.

The American Legion men of Halifax County are going to celebrate, and they want every person in the whole world to come to Weldon Armistice Day to help them make it the biggest day the County has ever known. The Celebration begins with a monster parade which will start at 11 o’clock in the morning to be headed by the ex-servicemen and band, followed by floats depicting “The Discovery of America” by the Book Club of Littleton; “American Freedom 1776” by D.A.R. Chapter of Halifax; “Victory” by the Thursday Afternoon Club of Weldon; “Education” by the Roanoke Rapids Schools; “Health” by Dr. Paul C. Carter, County Health Officer; “Welfare” by the Rosemary Study Club; “Boy Scouts” by the Weldon troop; “Federated Clubs” by the Weldon Book Club and many others. Advertising floats will follow the first section of this division.

Mr. Akers, County Superintendent, has declared November 11th a holiday for all schools throughout the County, that the school children may attend the celebration in Weldon. Congressman Steagal of Alabama will speak at the Opera House immediately after the parade, after which a turkey and oyster dinner will be served free to all ex-servicemen. At 2 o’clock a big football game will be staged between the University of North Carolina and A. and E. College (Freshman teams), which promises to be a battle royal. At night a big Minstrel will be given at the Opera House in which 50 people will take part. The production will be under the direction of “Deep C” Green, a minstrel producer of many years’ experience, and will run through two hours of real wholesome comedy, songs, dance and novelties galore.

An 8-Page Paper to be Printed by American Legion

The American Legion Post of Weldon will get out an 8-page paper in conjunction with the Armistice Day celebration and will distribute same all over Halifax County. The sheet will contain advertisements from merchants in every town in the County and will be one of the best of advertising mediums. The local ex-servicemen are not asking for contributions from any merchant or individual but ask the cooperation of every merchant in the County and guarantee that any ad given will bring real results.

From The Commonwealth, Scotland Neck, N.C., Tuesday, October 25, 1921

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