
Sunday, November 28, 2021

Catawba Farmers to Attend Celebration of Public Lime Storage Bin, Nov. 28, 1921

Catawba Farmers Will Attend Celebration In connection with the plans of the agricultural department of the Chamber of Commerce for a public lime storage bin, where the farmers of this section may purchase lime and lime stone materials in any quantity as needed, Secretary Van Hervie in an interview today stated that such a bin is now nearing completion at Cleveland in Rowan county, and that a delegation of Catawba farmers will attend a public demonstration of the work of this bin on Friday, December 9, at 11 o’clock. Form the correspondence on this subject received here, the Cleveland people are planning quite a celebration, including a picnic dinner, a complete demonstration of loading, unloading and delivering to waiting trucks in desired quantities. N.W. Winters of Clemson College, the so-called Billy Sunday of South Carolina Agriculture, W.R. Bailey, soil improvement expert, R.W. Graeber, county agent of Iredell, and several other agricultural experts will deliver addresses during the demonstration. The necessity here of such a bin has long been felt. Farmers now must order carload lots, and frequently must pay considerable demurrage charges on account of their shipments arriving at a time when the farmer is too busy with his crops to haul the lime to his farm. That such storage bins are practical and self-supporting has been demonstrated by the results attained in Statesville where a bin was installed some two months ago, and it is hoped that the agricultural department of the Chamber of Commerce can devise ways and means of getting one erected here. From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, Nov. 28, 1921

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