
Sunday, November 28, 2021

Church News From Front Page of Hickory Daily Record, Nov. 28, 1921

Will Meet Monday at Lenoir College

The Catawba County Ministerial Association will meet at Lenoir College next Monday, December 5, and the following program will be rendered:

Devotions by the Rev. A.R. Beck, Exegesis, 12 chapter Hebrews by the Rev. T.K. Roof; the right of confirmation by the Rev. L.D. Miller; Augsburg Confession, article 2, by the Rev. C.R.W. Kegley; Liturgies by the Rev. W.J. Boger.

The Rev. J.J. Bickley is secretary of the association.

From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, Nov. 28, 1921


Preaches Sermon on Use of Money

The sermon preached by Rev. W.W. Rowe at the Reformed church yesterday morning is receiving about as much favorable comment as any sermon preached recently. His text was from Ecclesiastes 10:19, “Money answereth all things.” He emphasized the point that money is stored power and like electricity the question is how are we losing this stored power? We may lose it for education, missions, orphanages and for purposes of destruction.

From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, Nov. 28, 1921


Senior League Entertained

The Senior Luther League of Holy Trinity Lutheran church was delightfully entertained Friday night at the home of Mrs. J.H. Wanemacher, with Misses Margaret and Catherine Wanemacher and Miss Bertha Dietz as hostesses.

The home was most attractively decorated with potted plants and the Thanksgiving idea was carried out in every detail.

The business meeting was presided over by the president, Mr. Harold Deal and Rev. C.R.W. Kegley read the scripture lesson and led in prayer.

Twenty-six members answered the call and 12 were new members taken into the league. Also there were five visitors present, making a total of 43 in all.

After the business had been transacted, a most enjoyable social hour was spent.

Miss Elizabeth Russell delighted those present with several piano solos.

Many new games were played and the crowd was at the height of enjoyment when they were led in the dining room, where the hostess served delicious hot chocolate and presented each league with a paper bag containing fruit, candy and salted peanuts.

This concluded one of the most delightful meetings of the league and after extending a vote of thanks to the hostesses the happy leaguers departed.

From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, Nov. 28, 1921

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