
Saturday, November 6, 2021

Dana Cross Wins Dress Competition, Nov. 6, 1921

Miss Dana Cross Made Best Dress

Miss Dana Cross of Huntersville won the grand sweepstakes prize offered by John M. Scott, president of the Charlotte National Bank, for the best specimen of dress-making by any girl in Mecklenburg County. The dresses to be made by ginghams manufactured in Mecklenburg County and the dresses to be exhibited at the several rural community fairs. The contest was open to young women under 20 years of age.

Miss Cross won the prize offered for the same exhibit at the Huntersville fair and then won over all competitors in the county, the purse for all winnings being $20.

The specimen of dress made by Miss Cross and all the other girls in the contest will be on exhibition next Tuesday in the window of Belk Brothers’ Department Store. The judges at the fair praised warmly the artistry and skill shown by the young women in the dress-making contest and are eager for their work to be shown the public.

The dresses are to be shown also for the reason that they are entirely products of Mecklenburg County. The cotton from which the yarn was spun was grown in the fields of the county. The cloth from which the cloth was made was made at mill in county, and work of creating the dresses was done by young women of the county without help from outside.

From The Charlotte News, Nov. 6, 1921

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