
Monday, November 29, 2021

Dr. Isaac Taylor, Judge Walter Montgomery Have Died, Nov. 28, 1921

Dr. Isaac M. Taylor of Broad Oaks Sanatorium, Morganton, is dead at the age of 64 years. He was noted as a specialist in nervous diseases and enjoyed a wide reputation as an alienist. He was one of the big factors in the life of Morganton and his leadership will be missed. Dr. Taylor was born at New Bern, was educated at the University of North Carolina, and after graduating in medicine practiced in China Grove, later going with the state hospital at Morganton. He is survived by his wife and six children.


The death in Raleigh Saturday night of Judge Walter Montgomery removes one of the state’s most lovable characters. Though a first class lawyer and a former justice of the supreme court, he was not active in practice during the past several years, devoting his time to historical research and writing. Judge Montgomery was one of the most fearless public men in the state. If he considered a thing right, no winds were strong enough to make him change his course.

From the editorial page of The Hickory Daily Record, Nov. 28, 1921

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