
Monday, November 8, 2021

Dr. J. Luther McMillan, C.H. Beine, Have Died, Nov. 8, 1921

Dr. McMillan Dead

Fayetteville, N.C., Nov. 8—Dr. J. Luther McMillan, physician and surgeon at Flora McDonald College at Red Springs, died at his home at Red Springs this morning of heart disease, according to word received here. He had been ill several weeks. The funeral will be held tomorrow.


C.H. Beine, 87, Funeral Tomorrow

By the Associated Press

Raleigh, Nov. 8—The funeral of C.H. Beine, aged 87, the oldest Odd Fellow in North Carolina, who died at his home here last night following an attack of acute indigestion while attending a Masonic lodge meeting, will be held here tomorrow. Mr. Beine was the grand representative of this state to the sovereign grand lodge, which met in Toronto last month. He was born in Pennsylvania and moved to North Carolina after the war.

From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, Nov. 8, 1921

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