
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Free Smallpox Vaccinations Given at School, Nov. 30, 1921

Vaccination Will Start in Schools

Vaccination for smallpox of all children in the city schools who do not display good scars will be begun Thursday morning by Dr. W.A. McPhaul, city health officer, with the assistance of school nurses.

The health officer figures there will be between 1,500 and 2,000 children who will need the preventive vaccine. Dr. McPaul said that the vaccination will take place under the most careful conditions and there need be no fears by parents as to the outcome. Last year he said he vaccinated 1,700 without a single bad arm.

Those parents who desire may have their family physicians administer the vaccine, Dr. McPhaul said. The heatlh officer will vaccinate children in the schools without cost.

From The Charlotte News, Nov. 30, 1921

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