
Friday, November 19, 2021

Harold Essex, Reid Poovey Doing Fairly Well, Nov. 19, 1921

Injured Boys Are Doing Fairly Well

The condition of Harold Essex and Reid Poovey who were seriously injured yesterday afternoon when a motorcycle on which they and Richard Hamilton were riding, collided with a Ford sedan driven by Walter Hefner, was regarded as satisfactory today at the Richrd Baker hospital. Young Hamilton was not seriously injured and is at his home.

Essex and Poovey, students at Lenoir College, were en route to the college when the accident occurred. Examination late yesterday revealed that Harold Essex sustained two breaks, one in each leg below the knee, and that Reid Poovey suffered a fracture of both bones in his right leg. In addition, he received a severe cut on the arm and had a finger almost removed. His body was not injured by the collision in any way and he could breathe easily today.

Besides sustaining two breaks in his right leg, young Poovey received a bad cut in the back of his head. His condition was not regarded as so serious as that of Essex.

Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Essex and Mr. and Mrs. L.W. Poovey, parents of the young men, are receiving the sympathy of many friends. It was almost miraculous that the injuries, bad as they are, were not worse.

From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, Saturday, Nov. 19, 1921

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