
Sunday, November 7, 2021

Hunters Found No Possums But Mrs. Hawn Supplied Outstanding Supper, Nov. 7, 1921

No Possums Found But a Real Supper

When the Record’s huntsman goes afield at night, the possums remain in their lairs. That was demonstrated again Saturday night. Two fine dogs were unable to create any enthusiasm in the party of hunters headed by Mr. J. Walter Hawn and the editor and Oscar Hawn, who were not foolish about possums any way, were not seriously disappointed when it was announced that the wind was too high for results. Roy Hawn and Floyd Abernethy were the other members of the party.

The best ought to come last in any event. Mrs. Hawn placed before the marsupial chasers a supper that beat any banquet the Record man has ever sat down before. Fried chicken, fried steak, persimmon pudding, hot slaw, pickles, sweet milk, creamed potatoes, blackberry pie and cake were the things that are best remembered. And who would want to hunt possums after a supper like that?

From the editorial page of The Hickory Daily Record, Nov. 7, 1921

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