
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Hunting Season Opens But Leave Partridges to Fight Boll Weevils, Nov. 24, 1921

Hunting Season Opens

The open season for hunting partridges in Richmond county begins Friday, Nov. 25th, and ends Jan. 26th. The open season begins in Montgomery county also on the 25th, ending Feb. 15th, begins in Moore county on Nov. 30th, ending March 1, and began in Scotland county Nov. 15, and ends March 1st.

And so the Nimrods can start out Friday—but should they? It is a serious problem that confronts ths people of Richmond county—that of the boll weevil. Birds are constant and inveterate enemies of insect life and therefore the farmer’s best friend in his fight against the boll weevil. And since this is true, it follows that there SHOULD NOT BE A SINGLE PARTRIDGE killed in Richmond county this season.

Save the birds. They are your friends, and will repay you for all the trouble and cost you may go to in order to protect them from the hunters. The pleasure of a few who enjoy hunting is nothing compared with the very heart-blood interests of our farmers. By all means keep hunters from your lands and PROTECT THE BIRDS! The Post-Dispatch is giving you straight advice on this, and you know it.

From the front page of The Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Nov. 24, 1921

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