
Monday, November 22, 2021

Katcha Koo to be Presented Nov. 29, 1921

Postpone Show to Next Tuesday. . . “Katcha Koo” Cast Decides to Defer Presentation One Week

Presentation of “Katcha Koo,” the big oriental musical production to be staged here under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce for the benefit of the Public School Play Ground, has been postponed until Tuesday night, Nov. 29. This was made necessary by the magnitude of the production and the inability of the casts to grasp the fine points of their parts in so short a time as that first allowed. It was intended to present the show tonight.

Costumes for the players have arrived and today or tomorrow the first dress rehearsal will be held in the Metropolitan Theatre. Until now rehearsals have been held in groups in Fraternal Hall. No two of the many groups have yet rehearsed together because of the limited space afforded in the hall. There are more than 150 persons in the cast and chorus.

All who have seen the dances and heard the songs of the show are convinced that the big audience which will greet its presentation next Tuesday night will pronounce it the best attraction ever offered in Dunn. The various song and dance groups will be magnificently costumed and will introduce songs and dances never heard and seen here before. All of the girls who are to take part in the chorus numbers have been well trained during the past week.

Miss Dagma Carlson, who is here for the John B. Rogers Production Company, producers of Katch Koo, is directing the rehearsals. She will take part in the show as a dancer. Miss Carlson is an artist of rare merit and will introduce her own interpretation of the snake dance.

From the front page of The Dunn Dispatch, Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1921

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