
Sunday, November 21, 2021

Levey Loses $2-3,000 to Robbers, Nov. 21, 1921

Durham Merchant Was Robbed Early Today

By the Associated Press

Raleigh, Nov. 21—S. Levey, a Hebrew merchant of Durham, was knocked on the head by an unknown negro there and robbed of between $2,000 and $3,000 in cash early today at his home in Durham, which adjoins his store. Several hours later Joe and Carey Perry, negroes, were arrested in Raleigh under suspicion after a son of the merchant had trailed the robbers to this city. The Perry negroes were arrested in Moore Square here, after which they are said to have shun(?) at the sight of Moses Levey.

From the front page of The New Bern Sun Journal, Monday, Nov. 21, 1921

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