
Saturday, November 27, 2021

Misses Pearl James, Ruby Ramsey Opening Letter Shop, Nov. 27, 1921

Young Ladies Will Open Letter Shop

The Letter Shop, a new business enterprise that will do multigraphing, public stenography and other work of the kind, will be opened in the Commercial Bank building at an early date in offices 907-908.

Miss Pearl James, who was formerly with the National Gum & Mica Company’s office here, and Miss Ruby Ramsey, formerly with the American Telephone & Telegraph Company, are the owners of the new enterprise. They bought out the Letter Shop conducted at 21 North Tryon street by Misses Grace Rudisill and Margaret Howell and will remove the effects of that office to the new place in the Commercial Bank building.

From the front page of The Charlotte News, Nov. 27, 1921

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