
Saturday, November 27, 2021

Mohammedanism Coming to Charlotte, Warns Editor, Nov. 27, 1921

Coming of Mohammedanism

While Western nations are trying to take Christianity to the heathen worlds, the heathen worlds are coming right back with an effort to establish their religions in these Western countries. Mohammedanism has even launched a determined drive in the United States. The Moslem sunrise is the name of a publication, which is the organ of this faith, being printed in Highland Park, Michigan. It is said to present the finest things that abound in the Mohammedan religion and to suppress the worst features, to be filled with neatly-framed slurs against Christianity and its teachings and to be shrewdly edited. The Sunrise holds out the goal to be the establishment of a Mohammedan church in ever town in America.

From the editorial page of The Charlotte News, Nov. 27, 1921, Julian S. Miller, editor.

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