
Sunday, November 21, 2021

Mr. and Mrs. Bartley Mullis Killed in Car Wreck, Lex Brooks Badly Injured, Nov. 21, 1921

Husband and Wife Are Killed in Wreck

Monroe, Nov. 21—Bartley Mullis was killed and his wife so injured that she died later, and Lex Brooks was badly hurt this week on the Euto and Marshville road, 5 ½ miles from Marshville. They were driving a Ford on a perfectly good piece of road with nobody in sight and the wreck was complete.

The evidence about the wrecked car indicated that it was being driven at a great rate of speed. It turned over with such force that it turned a second time and righted itself and stood upon its wheels crosswise the road, and was completely wrecked.

It is said by those who saw the party before the accident that Mullis and Brooks were under the influence of drink. Neighbors say that Mrs. Mullis could drive the car and was in the habit of going with her husband on occasions as a protection when he was drinking. Just how the accident came will never be known exactly. It is the supposition that Mr. Mullis was in the rear seat and the two men on the front seat, and that they began contending as to who should drive while the car was going at high speed. Brooks has stated that he was driving and Mullis suddenly grasped the wheel and caused the wreck.

From the front page of The New Bern Sun Journal, Monday, Nov. 21, 1921

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