
Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary, Nov. 20, 1921

Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker at the home of their son, Mr. Morris Barker, on Sunday, November 20th, celebrated their Golden Wedding, the 50th anniversary of their marriage. The home was beautifully decorated with gold and yellow carnations. The prettiest feature was a canopy used as was a custom in other years for the bride and bridegroom.

The bride was dressed in a beautiful dress of black satin trimmed with beads and lace. She wore a golden crown. The bride was led to the altar by her daughters, while the flower girls were the grand daughters. The bridegroom, who wore a full dress suit, was accompanied by the grand children, who bore golden candles. While the canopy was spread over the bride and bridegroom, four graqnd sons, Alfred Barker Jr., Herman Barker, Paul Barker Jr., and Seymour Taul, held the four golden standards of the canopy while Rev. S. Katzer delivered a solemn and impressive speech. All the grandchildren bearing golden candles marched around the group.

After this all were shown into the dining room where luncheon was served while music was furnished by Mr. Sidney Willoughby. Mr. Michel Barker was toastmaster. Toasts were given by Ely Katzen and Dr. D. Rosenthal. All the grand children gave readings during the afternoon. Many telegrams of congratulations were received. Mr. and Mrs. Barker received numerous presents of gold.

The following were present:

Mr. and Mrs. Z. Barker of Henderson, N.C., Mr. and Mrs. Morris Barker, Wilson, N.C., Mr. and Mrs. Michael Barker, Wilson, N.C., Mr. and Mrs. S.H. London, Hartford, Conn., Mr. and Mrs. J. Taul, Trenton, N.J., Mr. and Mrs. Manl Frank, Wilson, N.C., Mr. and Mrs. M. Popkin, Wilson, N.C., Mr. and Mrs. A. Harris, Trenton, N.J., Mr. and Mrs. Frank London, Wilson, N.C., Mr. and Mrs. B. Ward, Wilson, N.C., Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lefkourtz, Wilson, N.C., Rev. and Mrs. S. Katz, Wilson, N.C., Mr. Eli Katzen, Wilson, N.C., Mr. Sidney Willoughby, Wilson, N.C., Mrs. W.H. Willoughby, Wilson, N.C., Mr. Sam Stark, Wilson, N.C., Mr. And Mrs. M. Shrago, Goldsboro, N.C., Mrs. R. Lowenstein, Richmond, Va., Mrs. Jennie Scherr, Richmond, Va., Mrs. Z. Blank, Richmond, Va., Mr. D. Sregee, Richmond, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kolman, Trenton, N.J., Mr. Isedore Ward, Wilson, N.C., Mr. Louis Katen, Wilson, N.C., Dr. Daniel Rosenthal, Miami, Fla.

From The Wilson Daily Times, Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1921.

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