
Saturday, November 20, 2021

Mrs. Pauline Glover Link Died After Illegal Operation, Dr. Sharp Accused, November 1921

Illegal Operation Is Cause of Death

New Bern, Nov. 19—A coroner’s jury, which has been investigating the death of Mrs. Pauline Glover Link, of Morehead City, who died in a local hospital Sunday, returned a verdict last night that Mrs. Link came to her death by peritonitis caused by an illegal operation, and recommended that Dr. Leedom Sharp of Morehead City, be bound over to the Superior court of Craven county for his alleged connection with the case.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday, Nov. 20, 1921

Dr. Sharp Will Furnish Bond. . . Papers to be Served Today—Physician Is Well Able to Provide the Bond

Papers for the arrest of Dr. Leedom Sharp of Morehead City were sent to Sheriff Thomas of Carteret county yesterday afternoon and will be served today, according to information received from Carteret county this morning.

Officers of Carteret said the papers would be served some time this afternoon in accordance with the request made by Solicitor Davis and Sheriff Williams of Craven county.

It is not expected that Dr. Sharp will be arrested. He is known to have considerable money and will have no difficulty in putting up bond to guarantee his appearance at the next term of court here, which meets in January.

The sheriff of Carteret county will furnish the bond, and that will be about all the developments in the case until it comes up for trial here.

“I have no idea that Dr. Sharp will be arrested,” said the sheriff this afternoon. “He will furnish the required bond and we will turn him loose.”

From the front page of The New Bern Sun Journal, Monday, Nov. 21, 1921

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